Wall-hung or floor toilet, which is better?

Toilets are one of the most important pieces in the bathroom, when it comes to renovating or building a bathroom. One of the most important aspects to consider is the type of toilet that you want to install. There are two main options: wall-hung or floor toilet. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider each one before making a decision.


Antequera Wall-hung toilet

Let’s start with the wall-hung toilets. These toilets are hung on the wall and don’t touch the floor. This has many advantages:

  • They give a more modern and elegant appearance to the bathroom, the wall-hung toilets attract our attention and also appear smaller because they have the hidden cistern.
  • They are easier to clean because there is nothing on the floor and they have less surface area as they don’t have a column.

However, wall-hung toilets also have some disadvantages. For example, they are more expensive than floor toilets and require more installation as you have to install the cistern inside the wall. In addition, they aren’t suitable for everyone, the partition must be wide to be able to install the cistern inside.


Oropesa floor toilet

On the other hand, we have floor toilets. These toilets are located on the ground and have a more traditional look. However, its biggest advantage is its low cost and easy installation compared to wall-hung toilets. Therefore, its main advantages are:

• They are easier to install

• Being easier to install, they are more economical because labor costs will be lower.

• They are more accessible for the elderly or people with disabilities.

But floor-standing toilets also have their disadvantages. They are less stylish than wall-hung toilets and can be more difficult to clean. They can also be less hygienic to the difficulty in cleaning under the toilet.

Additionally, it is important to consider the space available in your bathroom and ensure that the option chosen is suitable for the size and configuration of your bathroom. You should also consider any specific accessibility or security requirements you have.

To sum up, both wall-hung and floor  toilets have their pros and cons, so it’s important to carefully assess your needs before making a decision. Whether you choose a wall-hung or floor-standing toilet, the most important thing is to choose an option that suits your needs, budget and lifestyle.

Good luck with your bathroom project!