CSR means to talk about the ethical commitment that is acquired with society and the environment in which a particular activity occurs. Therefore, the development of a strategy for responsible and committed management with different social and sporting reasons, it’s part of the Bathco Corporate Social Responsibility. Because of that, the Company creates a Sporting and social Foundation (FUSODEBA).
FUSODEBA dedication on sports is determined by a full identification with the values that promote it, such as personal growth, fighting spirit, social improvement, solidarity or the interpretation of sport as an element of individual and collective transformation.

The belief in the team that is behind every club or sports association that we sponsor is also fundamental for us. They are people who dedicate more than their leisure to the realization of an activity, but they are people who turn their passion for sports into their lives engine.

Balonmano Torrelavega
Bathco, a través de FUSODEBA, y el Balonmano Torrelavega alcanzan un acuerdo para que la empresa cántabra especializada en el sector del baño se convierta en el patrocinador principal de la entidad naranja al completo durante las tres próximas temporadas.

Sandra Trevilla
Detrás del Bathco Bowling Team está la Peña Gedio de Somahoz, peña de reciente constitución pretende volver a poner este deporte en valor en la zona a través de la figura de Adrian Diaz Ortiz, que es su presidente y entrenador.

Cycling Club Besaya
BATHCO is the main sponsor and promoter of the Cycling Club Besaya in the junior category since 2012. The club exists already 40 years and we can mention among its achievements the victory in Basque Country Tour. In 2014 BATHCO starts to sponsor also the children category and is the principal promoter of the new project Bathco Cyclist School where more than 30 cyclist youngsters with promise will be trained.

Bathco Padel Team
En diciembre de 2017 ATP Padel Corrales y Bathco anuncian un acuerdo de patrocinio para la siguiente temporada con el que el club pasa a denominarse Bathco Padel Team. Mediante el acuerdo, Bathco se convierte en patrocinador principal del equipo de pádel demostrando una vez más su total intención de invertir y seguir apostando por el deporte cántabro.

Bathco Running Team
En diciembre de 2016 se presentó el nuevo equipo de atletismo de ruta con el objetivo de contribuir a la formación de futuras promesas del atletismo.Cabe destacar que Germán Martínez Álvarez es el encargado de los entrenamientos y la dirección técnica de este nuevo club.

TRIATHLON Valle de Buelna
The Triathlon Club of the Cantabrian village Los Corrales de Buelna, currently integrated by 30 athletes. The main successes: absolute provincial triathlon champion, 2nd place at the international triathlon Bilbao Ironman.

Charity work and solidarity projects are a crucial part for us, that´s why we collaborate actively with associations like Cáritas or Buscando Sonrisas.